Sunday, December 17, 2006

More From Kenya

A picture of a Thompsons gazelle and of a Nile Monitor Lizard who has taken up residence in a termite hill in the Samburu as well as a Nile Crocodile lounging on the side of the river without a care in the world.

African Christmas Tree

This is what I call an African Christmas tree. These are bird nests that look just like ornaments hanging from the tree, hence the name The African Christmas Tree.

Lion and Lioness

A sleeping male lion and a wide awake lioness.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Graceful Impala

I caught this Impala just as he was starting his run.

More Kenya Photos

An elephant roars while a hippo yawns.

Giraffes in the Samburu.

These were giraffes we encountered while in Samburu National Park in Kenya

Photographs from Kenya

Jambo! I just got back from being on Safari in Kenya. As you can see from these photos it is a very beautiful country. These are just a few of my favourite photos from Kenya with more to follow.

Monday, June 19, 2006

2200 Westlake Avenue

This view is looking up at the tower that is to become the Pan Pacific Hotel.

Space Needle

This is the Space Needle as seen from the upper levels of the Pan Pacific Hotel being built at 2200 Westlake.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The last of the Quinton Instruments Building

These are photos of the last of the Quinton Instruments building at the corner of Denny Way and Westlake Avenue in Seattle. It was razed for the 2200 Westlake project.

2200 Westlake Avenue

These are the cranes that were used at 2200 Westlake. This was early in the project just as they were coming out of the ground at street level. I will be posting more photos of this project in various phases from the demolishing of the existing buildings and on through construction of this project.

Motore Coffee

My favorite coffee house, Motore Coffee, in the 1900 Ninth Ave building.

1800 Ninth Av